If you started off this year with the goal of improving your health and eating better, we’re with you babe. However, we also understand that you’re constantly bombarded with health advice that at times can be quite conflicting (eat carbs, no don’t eat carbs! We can’t keep up!). And with all of these ever-changing diet trends, it's so easy to feel like eating healthy is *way* complicated. Well, we’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be. There are several different ways in which you can incorporate healthier food into your life, and we want to help you figure it out! You know, no fuss, no muss – just clean eating made easy.
What is “clean” eating, really?
I mean, it’s only natural we get this out of the way before going any further into this article.
Clean eating essentially involves avoiding processed foods, and consuming foods as close to their natural state as possible. I.e.: instead of spreading sugar-filled strawberry jam on that toast, you opt to actually eat whole, raw strawberries.
We should also mention that clean eating includes being environmentally conscious, and choosing foods that are ethically sourced and sustainable for the planet.

All and all, clean eating is actually way simple. In fact, once you get the hang of selecting “clean” foods and beverages, it quickly becomes second nature.
Give your fridge and pantry a makeover.
First thing’s first. In all of your efforts to be an expert in clean eating, it is *so* important that you start off in an environment that is conducive to your success. What we mean by that is, no one ever became healthy with a kitchen full of Doritos and Coke. But don’t worry, you’re not alone in loving those two classics (particularly when paired together).
But we’re on a healthy eating journey here, baby! So if you want to set yourself up to kill the clean eating game, it’s best you remove any temptation or items you know aren’t good for you. We recommend going through your pantry and refrigerator to make sure you have all of the staple foods and beverages you need to start your clean eating journey. And of course, to get rid of the items you know won’t serve you in this process.

If you find it too hard to go cold turkey, try to switch out some of your not so healthy faves for better options. Love the fizz of cola? Try switching sugary drinks out for flavored, no calorie, sparkling water. Love the crunch of a chip? There are delicious whole grain snacks out there that will help give you the same effect.
Once you feel confident in your new fridge and pantry setup, you’ll be well on your way to eating clean easily because hey – there won’t be any “not so clean” foods or drinks for you to reach for! You’re welcome.
Opt for whole and raw foods when you can.
As we briefly mentioned above, clean eating is centered around the notion of eating healthy foods in their purest form. The main reason for this, is that you get the most bang for your nutrient buck out of them by eating them this way.
Now, let's not get clean eating confused with the “raw diet” which is a whole other ballgame girlfriend. With clean eating, you don’t have to hyper focus on what temperature your food is cooked at, and eating healthy protein such as chicken and fish is totally cool.
However, reaching for raw fruits and vegetables when you can has numerous benefits, which is why you should incorporate them as much as possible on your clean eating journey. Cooking your veggies or fruit can make them lose vital nutrients and minerals that your body needs. In a nutshell, if you can stomach eating broccoli raw instead of cooked – you should.

Incorporate super fruits into your diet.
If there’s one thing we definitely don’t mind consuming raw, it’s super fruits.
These babies taste amazing on their own, just as nature intended them to. More importantly though, they are packed with fiber. All of which will keep you feeling full and satisfied between meals.
On top of that, super fruits are best consumed raw and do not require much prepping. This makes them beyond easy to take with you on the go. Bam: clean eating made easy.

Clean eating experts love super fruits for their impressive amounts of antioxidants. And in case we haven't told you enough, antioxidants do absolute wonders for your skin and body. If you’re on the eat clean train, consuming these fruits will help you fight off free radicals while feeling energized. No sugar crash involved.
Want the complete lowdown on these tasty gems? Click here.
Make getting your daily dose of H2o a priority.
We know you hear it all the time, but getting an adequate amount of water every single day is crucial to your healthy lifestyle.
And although it might suck to think about drinking those 8 glasses a day, we promise your skin, hair, nails, body, EVERYTHING will thank you for it. Most of us know this already, but we’ll say it again louder for the people in the back. You are composed of so much water! Which means you therefore need to replenish your body with it often. What’s more, hunger can often be confused with thirst.
Its simple. Ensure that you’re always hydrated, and you'll decrease your chances of slipping up on your clean eating journey.

If drinking this much h2o sounds daunting, we get it! We’ve all been there! That’s why this next tip might save you some trouble. After all, we’re all about helping you navigate this wellness thing with ease gorgeous!
We recommend adding cucumber, lemon, berries, or any other fruit (or veggie) of choice to your water to give it some natural, appealing flavor. You can purchase an inexpensive water bottle that makes diffusing fruit a cinch, or simply add a few fruit slices to a large water bottle and let them float free!
Get behind this trend to make clean eating easy: Meal prepping.
This next tip for clean eating made easy is super essential for the busy babes.
You have surely heard of the famous art of the meal prep. Simply put, it consists of prepping your clean meals in advance so you don’t have to worry about making healthy choices during the week. And honestly, if there’s one health trend we can get behind – it’s this one.
Meal prep is a major key to clean eating made easy. All you need to do is pick a day of the week and a few main meals that you’ll then prep for the days ahead. A lot of clean eaters love to meal prep on Sunday, for example, which means they don’t have to stress about making last minute *not so healthy* choices due to their busy schedules.

Need some healthy meal prep inspo? You won’t have to look far. Hit up your Pinterest board, or click here!
If you really want to eat clean… Forget condiments as often as possible.
We know, we love Frank’s red hot sauce as much as the next person! For real though, many of your favorite condiments are packed with fat and added sugar. A.k.a.: Two properties you definitely do not need on your path to clean eating. Although hot sauce itself, is not the worst add-on of all.
While they won’t kill you in moderation, items like ketchup, heavy salad dressings, and mayonnaise contain high amounts of sugar. Which of course, is something you should aim to avoid as much as possible when eating clean.
So instead of reaching for fatty, store bought ranch sauce, consider making your own out of Greek yogurt. Or, the next time you need dressing for a salad, just opt for some natural olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Making your own natural salad dressing is quick and easy. It can even be detoxifying if you add ingredients like apple cider vinegar to it. Top it off with your favorite spices, and you’re well on your way to kicking that bad condiment habit to the curb.

And of course… Avoid foods and beverages with added sugar.
It goes without saying that if you’re trying to eat clean, food and drinks with added sugar are so not the move.
Natural sugar is one thing. However, processed sugar is considered harmful to your health. What’s more, refined sugar hides in almost everything. From that ketchup we mentioned above, to bread, to your beloved morning macchiato. Excess sugar consumption is also linked to acne, and heart disease. Additionally, it is a major contributor to weight gain, and can accelerate your skin aging.
An easy way to ensure you’re eating clean and avoiding unnecessary sugar is to make water your primary drink of choice, and replace sodas or juices with some of that good old h2o. Moreover, by learning how to read labels to check what a food’s sugar content is, you’ll quickly get the hang of nixing certain foods out of your new clean diet.
The perfect compliment to making clean eating ridiculously easy… Exercise.
Last on our tips for clean eating made easy is not specifically about food. However, it definitely has an impact on what your body feels like consuming.
Incorporating regular exercise into your schedule is a sure fire way to make yourself actually crave healthy foods. Ever noticed how sitting down for a Netflix binge suddenly has you craving a bag of Oreo’s? Well, get out for a brisk walk or jog around the block and you’ll notice you’re way more likely to reach for some fruit, or for some of that delicious naturally flavored water to hydrate.
Working out for even 20 minutes a day will have you reaping benefits you'll love. Exercising will diminish your bad cravings, and have a positive effect on your eating habits. The more you train your body to enjoy healthy things such as clean eating and exercise, the more it will live for it!

Clean eating… Super easy right?
Ok, ok. We know it seems easier said than done. But we know by making a few simple changes you’ll totally love embracing the clean eating life, babe! Especially when it’s this easy! What are some tips you incorporate into your every day health and wellness habits? Let us know down below, you healthy clean eating goddess, you.
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