Beauty by You: a month of inspiring stories, interviews, and helpful tips from women from all walks of life. ✨
It's been a hard year for joy. Our world has paradoxically expanded to the globe (pandemic, endless zoom calls, murder hornets) while shrinking to the size of our home (home school, #wfh, Amazon prime everything). Like an episode of the twilight zone, we're mask-wearing, hand-washing, anxious people tackling ill-fated home improvement projects.
In view of this sucktasticness, our team decided we're done with all the negativity. We're choosing instead to devote the month of September 2020 to a joy-filled outlook. Join us as we bring inspiring stories, interviews, and helpful tips from women from all walks of life. You might just find a little joy rubs off in the process. ✨

Daily Inspiring Stories on Instagram + Facebook
Starting September 1, we'll be posting inspiring stories on our Instagram and Facebook accounts daily. You'll see things from movers and shakers within the mental health, wellness, nutrition, body positivity, self-care, disabilities, and clean living spheres.
You'll hear tips on how to love the skin you're in, how to cope with stress and anxiety, and ways to embrace joy despite the crazy. Missed a story? No worries! You can binge-watch all those joyful vibes on our stories highlights.
Exclusive Instagram Lives + Giveaways
We've lined up so many interesting Instagram Live Q&A's this month from some of our favorite gals in the biz. We'll be kicking it off with Karalynne from Just.Ingredients on Instagram Live, Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 12 pm MST.
Karalynne will be giving us the deets on being a wife and mom of 6, nutritionist, and a clean living influencer. Plus when you register here, you'll be entered for a giveaway of $100+ worth of Beauty by Earth goodies. If that's not joy-inducing, we don't know what is. 😘
Beauty by You Weekly Blog Posts
Throughout September, expect weekly blog posts on staying centered, healthy, and learning to love the skin you're in.
You'll discover ways to self-care from home, easy strategies to help you start loving your body, and books, playlists, podcasts, videos and more for promoting mental wellness.
Beauty by You GIFs for You to Use on Social

We've made a set of nine cute animated sticker gifs for you to use on Instagram and Facebook Stories. You can find them on our giphy channel here, or you can search gifs for "Beauty by You."
And remember,
Love & Joy-Filled Vibes,
join the conversation