Did you know that June is Adopt-A-Cat Month? And June 4th is Hug Your Cat Day? To celebrate, we wanted to introduce our feline fam here at Beauty By Earth. If you've been thinking seriously about adding a kitty to your household, check out your local shelters. Or, find ways to support them this month!
Why You Should Strive to Adopt, Not Shop
There are so many reasons to adopt, not shop for your next furry friend. Adopting a cat from a shelter or rescue organization means giving a home to an animal who really needs it. It also helps reduce the number of animals in shelters, which is always a good thing.
When you adopt an animal, you have the opportunity to choose an animal that is a good fit for your lifestyle and personality. Adoption counselors can help you find the perfect match.
Adopting an animal also saves money. Adoption fees are generally lower than purchasing an animal from a breeder or pet store. And, most animals adopted from shelters are already spayed or neutered, which can save you a lot of money in the long run.
So, if you're thinking about adding a cat to your family, this is the perfect month to do it! Be sure to visit your local shelter or rescue organization and find the purr-fect addition to your home. Trust us, they'll thank you for it!
Meet BBE's Feline Fam
"This is snowflake! All she does is sleep, cry for cuddles, and sleep on you while cuddling lol. Hence the lack of good photos. When she isn't cuddling with someone or begging for lovin' she's hiding in my closet…there's no in between." -Monica
Purrfect Product: Lip Balm (because she tries to eat anything with coconut oil)
Nala, Rylie, & Mia
"Nala (orange bengal) is energetic, super soft, and very independent. She loves running on her hamster wheel, napping in the sun, and playing with her brother.

Rylie (black cat) is a gentle soul with a heart of gold. Very shy and sweet, always loves to be carried, loves hugs and kisses, and throughly enjoys pats and shoulder rubs.

Mia (silver tabby) is a sweet old lady that loves her humans, never leaves your side, is very sweet and kind too! She loves to be held, loves it when you hold her paws, and loves sleeping with her mom and dad. She’s very active as well!" -Queren

Purrfect Product: Face Roller
"Winston, often called Mr. Weenies, is a softie through and through. He just turned 1 this past December and loves to chat with everyone. He's the most talkative cat I've ever met and will ensure you're prompt when he's ready for lunch and dinner. He loves Harry Potter and sleeping in the sunshine." -Reilly
Purrfect Product: Tanner
@beauty.by.earth we’ll let it slide - just this once
♬ original sound - 🤧
"Lucy is the sweetest little bean I've ever met. But, she also makes her preferences known: the blinds on her window spot must always be raised, she will only eat one specific brand/type of cat food, and she will only drink water from what we now call her 'floor chalice.' (It's just a random cup in the middle of my bedroom floor.) Abiding by her wishes ensures you all the head butts and cuddles you could want." -Camille
Purrfect Product: Boar Bristle Hair Brush
There you have it! Do you have a cat or dog? Tell us about them in the comments below! And, if you're feeling extra generous this Adopt-A-Cat Month, consider donating to your local shelter or rescue organization. Every little bit helps!
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I love seeing your kitties. I have 4. Mia, our 14-year-old Bengal who looks a lot like Nala, is the queen of the house. We bought her when she was 2 to keep our dog company. Four years ago, I rescued a 3-week-old kitten in our backyard. I wasn’t looking for another cat, but how could I say no to her. I bottle fed Destiny who grew up to be a beautiful cat. After I rescued Destiny, mom brought the remaining 3 in the litter into our front yard. My neighbor and I fed them until mom was killed by a car. My neighbor took one of the kittens; I took the remaining two. They are the sweetest cats! I am so happy that we rescued them.